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SightPhonics is…
- Teaching adults/teens to read at home since 2000
- Created by a teacher with 26 years of experience
- Made for adults and teens who don’t read
- Fast, easy, and self-taught
- Does not require a teacher
- Books available on classroom version
- 45-day money back guarantee
- Online version works on desktops, tablets and smartphones
- 5-day money back guarantee
A Revolutionary
Adult Reading Program
SightPhonics helps adults and teenagers to independently learn from home and read over 500 adult words like “catalog” and “hospital” with just the FIRST reading book.

Best Price on the Internet!
for a complete
reading program worth
Welcome to the SightPhonics Reading System for Adults and the Wonderful World of Reading. The SightPhonics Reading System for Adults has joined with The Wonderful World of Reading to bring you This REVOLUTIONARY ADULT READING PROGRAM. Twelve thin books of about 24 simple pages each, each with its own theme and one audio DVD or membership in the Online Version will give adults and teenagers all the tools needed to learn independently in the privacy of their own home. We will teach you how to decode and read over 500 adult words like “catalog” and “hospital” with just the FIRST simple easy reading book. We have succeeded where others have failed and we will have you reading in no time.
This reading system was originally created for use in a public school. By a sheer stroke of fate, it was used with adult students and surpassed all other adult literacy programs they had previously tried.
This is the only truly adult reading program on the Internet. It is not a child’s program advertised as an adult program. There are no gold stars or goofy pictures. There are lessons, words, specially made stories to enhance learning and sentences for practice.
Just log in for the online version or put the DVD in a player and open the book for the classroom version.
“This is a new and unique adult phonics reading program, unlike any other reading programs I have used. The best part is that it really works! My students have found it easy to use … without a teacher’s help. I highly recommend it. “
– Linda T., Basic Literacy Teacher. Independence Adult Center (San Jose, CA)
Now available in two forms…
SightPhonics’ Wonderful World of Reading is a complete program that teaches adult level words in the first reading book. Because it uses the unique teaching technique of using “’sound sets” and “sound families” it works like magic. It is also as affordable as we could possibly make it.
All the lessons in SightPhonics and the Wonderful World of Reading are available online or for classrooms or institutions in audio recordings on DVD.
Online: Making SightPhonics’ Wonderful World of Reading accessible online has allowed us to reach more people than ever before. SightPhonics was made for ease and speed. Now with an Online Version not only is it more affordable but easier and faster than ever before. You can get the same program that sells to classrooms, prisons and libraries for hundreds of dollars for a low monthly price. The Online Version works on desktops, tablets and some cell phones. The Online Version teaches by reading the instructions, sounds, and words when they are clicked along with the feature of breaking down a word by rolling the mouse over it. From there it teaches how to blend the sounds to make a word. You can use the Online Version of SightPhonics’ Wonderful World of Reading for a fraction of the cost of the Classroom Version.

- It reads the instructions to you.
- It breaks the words down for you
- It reads the words to you
- No fluff, no wasting time
Classroom Version in Book form for classrooms and institutions: The Classroom Version is a set of twelve books and twelve copies of the audio DVD of the program for use in classrooms, prisons, institutions
Now available single person classroom version as title. SightPhonics is available in a four-book set which is the same as the classroom version only in four book set. It includes one CD. This four-book single person classroom version can teach only one person at a time. It is recommended for those who do not own a computer or prefer to use books instead of a computer.
SightPhonics is a complete program that teaches adult level words in the first reading book. It is not fancy. It has no cute pictures but it works like magic and is as affordable as we could possibly make it.
How it started
SightPhonics was written out of guilt by a teacher of students with learning difficulties. The main reading program used was one that only taught sight words to be memorized and she knew they could learn much more.
She created a book accompanied with an audio CD in effort to teach her students at least the letter names. They succeeded so quickly that she decided to teach them the letter sounds. Again, the success was so fast that Patricia decided to move on to simple words. But there was a problem. Her students were very concrete thinkers meaning they could not adjust. When trying to teach them how to make the sound “ba” they would say “bu” “a” making it “bu-ah”. She remembered an old program that she had seen in the back of the closet in an old school she worked at and tried that method of teaching “ba” as one sound.
The students flew. It was amazing. So, as they kept coming to her for more and more reading, she realized she had to plan the entire program. The program she developed used the concepts from a program that was used in the 1940s that had to be fast for farm workers who were not able to spend a lot of time in a classroom and her own ideas. The end result was SightPhonics later to be SightPhonics Wonderful World of Reading.
One day a former co-worker told Patricia how upset she was that four of her students were returning to her Adult Basic Education class for the next semester. They had been in her class for the entire year and despite her efforts, she was not able to help them learn to read. This teacher used every reading program she could. She used library tutor systems and computers, but to no avail. She was at a loss about what to do for them, but knew she couldn’t send them away. Despite initially thinking it might possibly be too simplistic for adults without disabilities, Patricia offered the SightPhonics program to her friend.
In the first 6 months, all four students using the SightPhonics program made their state benchmarks… twice. The facility, which monetarily rewarded for each benchmark, received a substantial reward, and decided to buy their own copy. That was over twenty years ago. They still use SightPhonics today.
” I bought this program for my 27 years old son. He went through it so fast and was so excited. This program needs to be in the schools. He struggled for so long and resisted learning out of fear for a long time. We are on Book 10 and he is reading things he never thought possible. I love this program. “
– Suzanne J. (Bath, VA)
In the first 6 months, all four students using the SightPhonics program made their state benchmarks twice.
It was Salinas Valley State Prison that changed everything. Patricia’s friend was a former teacher at the prison and nagged her repeatedly to bring the program to them. To Patricia’s shock the head of education at the prison purchased the program immediately after she concluded her presentation. This decision was of major importance because he had to obtain special permission to purchase the necessary CD players for use at the prison (the inmates make tattoo machines and other assorted items from them). She was well aware of what he had to go through to bring the program to the prisoners. She notes that it was “his inspiration that inspired me.”
Today we sell SightPhonics globally through the Internet and catalogs all over the world. We have expanded it from the CD version to a DVD version, have added the online version and joined with The Wonderful World of Reading.
” I love your program. I had to let you know that. I am 57 years old and have been faking reading all my life. I am so happy to really be able to read things like menus with my grandkids. “
– Melvin R. (Alma, OK)
Stop saying, “I can’t read,” and instead say, “I can to teach myself to read.” And the answer isn’t spending a lot of money on a reading improvement school or adult reading tutor. Using the teacherless SightPhonics’ Wonderful World of
” I thought I was stupid but I knew I wasn’t. My husband bought this program for me on my birthday just before Christmas. I was so happy to be able to read for the first time that I told him I didn’t want anything for Christmas then I changed my mind and asked for a treadmill so I could be skinny when I went to college. “
– LaShonna Y. (Gooding, ID)
We often get calls concerning the ability of SightPhonics to teach spelling. Though reading was and is our main focus, we have found that success in spelling increased dramatically in our learners.
Spelling in the school system requires writing the word multiple times which is useless without knowing why the particular letters make a particular sound. SightPhonics gives the sound and all the words that go with that sound in a progression so one sound set can build on another. Following the proper progression the learner “sees” the sound set that needs to be learned for those words and immediately the learner recognizes it for both reading and spelling. This is why we spelling became an added bonus for those who were learning to read.
Feedback concerning spelling came in from the beginning from those who used SightPhonics to learn reading. As we got testimonies of victories in spelling, we realized that success in spelling would make sense. The rules for spelling are the same as the rules for reading, though we did not intend to teach spelling, so we knew that teaching reading would also teach spelling.
What we didn’t expect was to surpass the current programs used to teach spelling. It is the unique method used in SightPhonics that brings so much success in reading and it only makes sense that that same method would bring victories in spelling as well.
Related: teach me to read remedial phonemic awareness with home use teaching material, grammar, grammer. Memorize sound complex sentences sounding out word families with color coded stroke and reading activity using reading comprehension worksheets and online reading book that is teaching reading.